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In the early 2000s, I was asked by a close friend if I would help her in her part-time job of cleaning Fort Massey Church in South Halifax. The woman who was helping her did not want to continue, so she asked me.

The church has 3 levels ,a gym and kitchen and storage room in the basement, the lobby, with 3 rooms on the main floor, and the church on the top floor. Through the night I began to hear weird sounds, usually above me, dead echoes, footsteps, and a moaning wind -blowing kind of sound. The storage room on the bottom floor was the worst.

One night I asked her did she hear weird sounds in there and she admitted she did. One night I finished up, put my coat on and sat in the lobby to wait for her. To my right was a room, as I sat ……I saw a figure float out of the room, close to the ceiling. It looked straight ahead, grey in color like tracing paper. I knew it was a woman only by the long hair that floated in the air behind it. It had black dots for eyes and a mouth. It floated about half way across the ceiling ….stopped and looked at me and smiled!….it vanished.

This spot was build over a old Fort , built in the early days of Halifax. The graveyard sits across the road. I have had many supernatural experiences ,this was one of the oddest. I think to myself now as I write this., I had no fear of seeing her…odd. I feel then as now almost 22 years later it is highly haunted.


Dartmouth, NS

If you have a story of your own that you would like to share, we would love to hear from you!

Read another great story! My Ghost Story

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