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You don't have to be from Nova Scotia to submit your Ghost Story, we want to hear them all! We are looking for true Paranormal Ghost stories, from first responders, military, navy, teachers, students, and everyone in between. Your story is important, and we want to share it!

Every experience is different, and by sharing your story, it helps give us a better understanding on why some spirits choose to stay, why some act the way they do, and you may help others who may going through something similar as you.

The Paranormal world is like a very large puzzle, with every story that is shared, another piece gets added so that we can all gain a better understanding of wait awaits us all on the other side.

To submit a story, or for further inquiries, please feel free to contact us. When you message, please let us know where the event took place, and as much detail as you can recall.


All the best!
Bruce and Charlene

Caretakers Paranormal







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