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Some friends will Haunt you!

Investigating the Paranormal can be very exciting, until something happens that you can't control. The following story was submitted by Doug W from Kentucky, who found out just how dangerous the spirit world can be!

I was previously an employee of a hospital in central Kentucky, I worked security there for 6 years and maintenance another 7 years. I am no longer employed there today.

My haunting experience started when I got interested in the paranormal by way of ghost hunting shows that were popular several years ago, fascinated by the phenomenon,I started doing EVP sessions at work in hospital rooms as well as the attached and now abandoned nursing. home, and I’ll have to say I experienced excellent results. I would even say I became somewhat obsessed, as many of the disembodied voices I picked up pleaded for help or asked if I could be a friend. Thinking all of this was very exciting and sad, I eventually invited all the spirits to be my friend while recording on my digital recorder.

Nothing fantastic happened right away, but the next few days and next months would become interesting to say the least. It was subtle at first, whispery voices saying my name in my ear , feeling of quick touches to my person, vibrating my chair while sitting in it.

To make a long story short, in a short time things intensified, what felt like electric shocks to my body, the voices which at first said they wanted only to be friends said they hated me. The first time I knew I was in real trouble was about a two week after it all started.

I was laying in bed and as I was laying there in silence about to drift off, what sounded like a middle aged woman’s voice right above me said as clear and loud as day” look we hate you, we hate your father, we hate your mother, we hate your brother, his wife and their bratty little kids, we even hate your mothers yappy little dog” All this while my face was turned into the pillow from fright and bewilderment. I could feel the displacement of air while she spoke but it didn't have heat like breath, I don’t how else to explain it.

Well I was shook up to say the least, I couldn’t sleep the rest of night. Things only got worse after that, a few nights latter I had my cover fly off of me, while sleeping, and I haven’t slept in a bed since.

I went to the Catholic Church, the priest said a prayer with me, and sent my story to I believe he said the Arch Bishop but his response was “it was probably mental illness” Even though the church didn’t believe me, I went ahead and got Baptized as a Catholic.

I eventually told my family whom didn’t believe me , I live by myself and they encouraged me to go to a psychiatrist, I was diagnosed with an undetermined psychosis and give drugs for 4 years, but nothing helped. Over the course of the 4 years I saw 4 Psychiatrist and 2 Psychologist and a handful of councilors, I wasn’t surprised because I knew deep down I wasn’t imagining all this I was perfectly normal till 39 and before ghost hunting. Which brings me to the now, the today...

Doing nothing things just got worse, Medication or no medication it didn’t matter. The paranormal activity continued to escalate till I began to get touched inappropriately and began to pass blood even when the doctor could find nothing wrong.

I decided I had to try something different, so I visited a psychic, using their suggestion, I am now using Prayer, together with sage smudging, Holy Water, consecrated salt, a Tibetan singing bowl, and exorcism prayer on TV while I sleep.

Things are getting weird in my little house at night right now, after 3 days of it but I was told to keep it up, and it will eventually leave. I can’t talk to most people about it because they either think I’m crazy or it scares them or both.

Doug W


Have you experienced something similar to Doug? Please feel to message us with your thoughts on this, or if you know of someone in Kentucky who is 100% legit and can help, we would love to hear from you!

If you have a story of your own that you would like to share, click the link below.

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