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The Ghost of Lucy Clark

Ghost in woods
One of the most popular ghost stories, in the small village of Londonderry NS, is that of Lucy Clarke

The following is a true story about the tragic death of a young girl, and how a chance encounter with her restless spirit would change one man’s life forever. 

One of the most popular ghost stories, in the small village of Londonderry NS, is that of Lucy Clarke. While there are many versions to this story, we can finally say that this story of Lucy Clark is based on actual events! Many thanks to Sherry Lindsay for sharing this story with us!

My father and mother both knew the man who spoke to this spirit and his name was Tom Adams.

The year was 1900, when Tom would meet Lucy. He often traveled from Cumberland County to Londonderry with his horse and dogs, and he knew of the story of the ghostly girl who would approach travelers that would come near, but no one was brave enough to speak to her. Judging from the clothes that she was wearing, she looked like she might be from the 1820's, and she told Tom that she couldn't rest until she had told her story.

Lucy was born with a club foot which made her quite lame. Her parents went into town and left her with her older brother to tend the farm. While they were gone the pigs broke out of their pen and the children tried to catch them. Lucy did manage to grab one, but before her brother could take it she slipped and the pig got away. 

The brother had always resented his sister because their parents gave her special attention since she was lame. He always had a vicious temper and when Lucy lost the pig he lost all control and struck her with the axe killing her instantly. Realizing what he had done he buried her in a rock pile not far from home. 

The parents were told she must have wandered off and gotten lost in the woods. A search party gathered and spent days looking for her but never found her. 

The ghost of Lucy Clark told Tom Adams exactly where to find the stone pile then disappeared. The next day when Tom awoke he told some close friends what he had experienced the previous night. 

The men were so taken by Tom's vivid story they convinced him to lead them to where the ghost had told him she was buried. 

Reluctantly Tom set off with his friends and it wasn't long before they came upon a rock pile. After removing some of the stones the men found the bones of a small child. The bones were gathered and the men had them buried in a local cemetery.

Tom Adams suffered a nervous breakdown after all this and spent weeks in bed crying uncontrollably and no one could comfort him. It took months for him to recover but he was never the same man he used to be before this happened.

This version of Lucy's ghost and who spoke to her is the real story. As I mentioned earlier both my parents knew Tom Adams and Art Mattix (Tom’s son in-law) was one of my father's best friends for decades. 

In some versions, some say that the brother took her body, dammed up the stream, buried her in the stream bed, and then allowed the water to flow again. When the stream bed was searched, they found bones which were assumed to belong to Lucy.

It is said that to this day, in certain sections of the river, that it is not uncommon to see Lucy’s ghostly hand sticking out through the water.

Waterfall near Lucy Clarke's home
Waterfall near Lucy Clarke's home - Photo credit: Mercedes Blair Photography

The following Ballad was written by Aleatha Rushton, Sherry’s mom.

The Ballad of Lucy Clark

There is a place up in the mountains, among the hills of Cumberland.

Where a young maiden now lies sleeping, she was murdered by her brother's hand.

There were men who told a story, of some white form they saw at night. But not one traveler ever lingered, they whipped their horses up in fright.

Tom Adams was a man of courage, and fear to him it was unknown. And with his trusty dogs and horses, he traveled day and night alone. Then one night while traveling homeward, as through the trees the moonlight shone, His eyes beheld the strangest vision that man had ever looked upon. A young girl stood there by the wayside, a gaping wound was in her head. He knew she was an earth-bound spirit, "In God's name speak!" Tom Adams said. She said, "At last sir I can tell you! My name is Lucy Clark you know, and you no doubt have heard the story that I was lost long years ago. You see my parents dearly loved me, though I was lame as you can see. They always said that up in Heaven, there'd be a special place for me. My brother Charlie he was jealous; he said that I got in the way. And he grew oh so very angry when we were left alone that day. So when I fell he lost his temper, and with his axe he struck me down, and in this stone pile placed my body, before my parents came from town. He told them that I must have wandered into the woods and lost my way, But of course they never found me although they searched for many a day. Sir, go on your way, my tale is ended, my wanderings now at last can cease. And now that I have told my story my restless spirit can find peace." The spirit fades, the spell is broken; Tom Adams whipped his horse to foam. And like a man pursued by demons he made his rapid journey home. Still he could not tell the story, and at their questions tears would start. And this brave man in fear lay trembling with words burned deep within his heart. His family tried in vain to comfort, his neighbors crossed themselves in fear. Some weeks had passed till he could tell them, the tale of sorrow he did hear. The folks then went into the mountains, and moved away the pile of stones.

And there just like Tom Adams told them, they found poor Lucy's moldering bones. Sincerely, Sherry L.

If you know of any Ghost stories from this area, or have a story of your own that you would like to share, we would love to hear from you! 

Read another great story! - Ghosts of Pugnose Inn

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