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Not Alone - A True Ghost story

Vintage photo of old house
Not alone

Around 2005 things were not going well in my marriage so I decided to take my sixteen year old daughter Ashley and move. I decided to buy a house instead of renting so after looking at several places I found what I wanted. 

It consisted of a nice big porch, kitchen and living room and upstairs there was two bedrooms and a bath. It needed a little work but I enjoy puttering around so it was perfect I thought. The backyard was beautiful with mature trees and well placed flower beds.

Ashley was attending the Community College and I was working in a nursing home so living in Truro saved a lot of traveling time and gas. It was an exciting time and we settled in quickly.

Once I had the house rewired and the basement fixed I started to renovate the inside room by room on my days off. When the downstairs was finished I moved to the upper level starting on the bathroom. During this time I owned a Lhasa Apso dog "Chance" which I had brought with me when I moved. He would follow me around the house and lay watching me as I worked. Ashley being a typical teenager was usually home to eat, sleep and shower then off to hang out with friends so my little dog was great company. 

It was while I was working on the bathroom I noticed the dog would go into Ashley's room and snoop around but he would never enter my room. I really didn't think too much about this as I knew Ashley often took snacks to her room which she'd eat while watching TV so more than likely there would be crumbs on her floor. 

My bedroom was the last to get painted and after laying the new rug and putting the drapes up I was quite impressed with myself.

Chance had been watching me from the hallway so I told him to come in and see mama's new room. I know he understood what I was saying because he looked straight at me then got up and went downstairs. It seemed a bit weird but I figured we hadn't been there very long and he would get more comfortable in the next few weeks. 

It was really nice to relax after all my hard work so now on my days off I only had the normal household chores to do. Chance still followed me around trotting down the steps to the basement whenever I ventured there. He also would be behind me while I was putting the laundry away upstairs. It became very evident that he had no problem going into Ashley's room when I placed her clothes on her bed but when I entered my room he stopped at the threshold and sat in the hallway waiting for me to leave. No amount of coaxing could get this dog go through that doorway.

One evening Ashley asked to spend the night at her friend's so of course I let her go. It would be the first time I was alone in our new home so I decided Chance was going to sleep with me whether he liked it or not. Bedtime came so I picked him up and carried to my room and laid him on my queen sized bed. 

I no sooner stood up and that dog was off the bed running down the stairs at top speed. That ticked me off a bit so I went back down and carried him up for the second time only I kicked the door shut before I let him go. He started to whine but I laid beside him stroking his fur and talking to him thinking he'd calm down in a couple of minutes. Nope, while I was trying to make a little nest with the covers for him he was off the bed frantically scratching my newly varnished door! 

It was time for me to admit defeat and let the poor animal out which I did. Looking around wondering what could have possibly upset him so much I could find nothing. Mystified by Chance's reaction I crawled into bed and went to sleep.

About four months after we moved in I finally figured out why Chance stayed out of my bedroom. I had come home around eleven p.m. as I worked the evening shift, relaxed for a while and watched some TV then went to bed. It had been a very busy day and I was exhausted and looking forward to a good night's sleep. I was just about ready to doze off when from the corner of my room a man's voice hollered "HEY". It was loud, it was clear and it nearly gave me a heart attack! 

It dawned on me right then and there this was why my poor Chance was scared of my room. After I calmed down I got angry that this spirit, ghost or whatever it was would try to terrify me when I was the most vulnerable. Being more stupid that brave, I looked into the corner where that voice had come from and loudly said, " I am not going anywhere...I am tired and need to sleep as I have to work tomorrow so in God's name I command you to be QUIET!!" I shut the light off and got back into bed and laid there listening but all I could hear was my heart beating loudly in my chest. Finally I fell asleep and was not disturbed again that night.

Every few months the exact same scenario would play out. I would be almost asleep then that "HEY" would be hollered from the same corner in the same voice. Each time this happened I be startled of course but as time passed I would sit up in bed instead of jumping out of it. I would say basically the same thing I did that first night then have peace for a few more weeks. At least this spirit seemed to be contained in my bedroom as it never bothered Ashley which I am thankful for.

 Besides dealing with the thing in my bedroom there was only one other incident in that house and I can't explain why it occurred. Ashley was home this particular evening in her room watching TV and I was downstairs on my computer.  Sitting at my desk I heard furniture being moved upstairs. 

Thinking Ashley was rearranging her room I continued on with what I was doing. After listening to what sounded like dressers or beds being dragged across the floor for over 20 minutes I got up and went to the steps. Hollering up to her I asked what the heck she doing? She said I'm lying on my bed watching television why? Confused I said, "You were moving your dressers a few minutes ago." Ashley said NO so I went up to see for myself. There she was relaxing and her room was the same as the last time I saw it. 

So I asked what was the noise I heard to which she told me she had heard it too but to her it sounded like it came from downstairs! That still baffles me to this day and there is no logical explanation for it. 

Ashley moved out of the house when she turned eighteen to be on her own. I remained there for another year before selling it. During those final few months alone I never heard any furniture being moved again, the spirit in my room continued to make its presence known and Chance never did get comfortable enough to enter my bedroom. 

I assume my "roommate" lingered behind to welcome the new owners as I know he never followed me when I left and I thank God for that!

Written by: Sherry L.

If you know of any Ghost stories from this area, or have a story of your own that you would like to share, we would love to hear from you!

Read another great story! - While we wait - A True Ghost Story

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