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Micheal’s story - An amazing Paranormal experience!

vintage photo of a young boy
Micheal's story

This investigation began like any other, but as the investigation would unfold, all that would change. We have experienced many fascinating things over the years, but this case will be one that we will never forget!

In the spring of 2017 we were invited to a private residence in Bedford NS, where the homeowners were experiencing some paranormal activity. The family had experienced many events over the years, which they couldn’t explain, and one of those we were about to experience for ourselves. This story really begins when their son was five years old, and was staying at his grandmother’s house.  As he was getting ready for bed one night, he could clearly see a little boy standing beside his grandmother and asked her who the little boy was, and why he had to go to bed when this little boy could stay up. His grandmother was very surprised by this, and assured him that there was no little boy in the room.  The next morning he asked his grandmother, who was the little boy with you last night? “I saw him in your house, I seen him wave at me, as he walked out of the room with you”.  He went on to describe in great detail what the boy was wearing, his height, and that he was even wearing glasses. His grandmother still swears there was no one there.  As their son grew older, he would continue to see and hear spirits, and to this day he still refuses to be alone in the house, or be the last one to go to sleep, because “That’s when people would come to talk to me in my room”. Now at fourteen, he no longer sees or hears spirits, but refuses to talk about his experiences.  The Equipment

During the course of our investigations we use many different types of equipment, to not only aid us in our investigations, but also in the hopes that a spirit will be able to use one to communicate with us. In this case the Spirit chose to use the SB-7 spirit box “Ghost Box”. The P SB7 Spirit Box is a modified radio that sweeps through the radio frequencies at a very fast rate. The sweep passes through up to 5 frequencies a second so if you start hearing ‘full’ words then there’s a good chance you are listening to something directed at you, something paranormal. It is believed that Spirits are able to manipulate the frequencies and produce words or even use snippets of radio as their voice.  There are many ways you can use the “Ghost Box” but the most effective and reliable way we have found to use the SB-7 is with the use of headphones. The way that is done is while one person is asking the questions; the person wearing the headphones (away from the others) is repeating what they are hearing on the “Ghost box”.

Now, to be honest, up until this point I always questioned the validity of using the ghost box, many because I was never 100% satisfied with the results. Little did I know, this time would change change my mind for good! In this investigation, not only would we get a name, this spirit was very eager to communicate with us, and would go on to answer many direct questions that would leave us all completely amazed!

If you are familiar with how the “Ghost Box” works, you also know that the responses you get are often “one word” and often far apart, which makes this session very unique. To get direct communication with a spirit is something all paranormal investigators strive for, but rarely achieve.

Ghost Box Session

The following is a transcript of our “Ghost Box” session, and it started to moment Charlene put on the headphones! Spirit: Hi, who’s this? Bruce: My name is Bruce; can you tell us your name please? Spirit: Micheal Bruce: Thank you Micheal, did you use to live here? Spirit: (no response) Bruce: How old are you Micheal? Spirit: 7 Bruce: Thank You Spirit: Hockey *at this point I wasn’t sure how hockey was relevant * Homeowner: my sister uses a pendulum and “Told me that there is a 7 year old boy in this house” Spirit: He’s dead Bruce: Is that you Micheal, or am I speaking with someone different? Spirit: Ok? Bruce: Can I talk with Micheal please? Spirit: One minute Bruce: Thank you * After 40 seconds of silence I ask another question * Bruce: Can you tell us what happened to Michael? Spirit: Coming Bruce: ok, thank you * After 80 seconds of silence I ask another question * Bruce: Is Micheal still coming? Spirit: I’m sorry Bruce: Why are you sorry? * After 90 seconds of silence I ask another question * Bruce: Is there something that you are trying to tell us? Spirit: Help me * Still unsure if this is Micheal I ask the following question *  Bruce: We do want to help you, who are we speaking to? Is this Micheal? * No response for over 2 minutes * Spirit: Kyle, Matty Bruce: Who are Kyle and Matty? Are they your friends? Spirit: I think Spirit: Not sure Bruce: Did they do something bad to you? Spirit: So to speak Bruce: What did they do, did they hurt you? Spirit: It’s a game Bruce: Are you having fun? Spirit: Yup! Bruce: This is awesome! Thank you for communicating with us, we are enjoying speaking with you. Spirit: You can stop Bruce: Ok, do you want us to stop asking questions, are you done talking to us? Spirit: Sure This is where we our session ended. It turns out that their 2 boys play hockey, and both Kyle and Matty play on their son’s hockey teams! Sounds like Michael really enjoys hockey, and considers them his friends as well. Was Micheal the little boy that their son has seen since he was only 5 years old? Maybe someday he will be willing to share his story.  Whether you believe in the spirit world or not, this story we have shared with you is only one of many amazing experiences we have had since we started investigating the paranormal. One thing I can honestly say, we no longer question where the spirits take us, and look forward to what they have planned for us next! ~ Caretakers  Share your Story

Read another great story! - The Power of Angels - A True Story

We are located in Truro NS and offer our services Free of charge throughout Colchester and surrounding areas. Have a location you know we would be interested in? Feel free to contact us anytime!

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