Caretakers Paranormal

Catherine McIntosh, A Child's Grave

Updated: Mar 9, 2021

On a lonely dirt road in Thorburn Exchange, Pictou County NS, you will find a lone headstone along the road that belongs to a young girl named Catherine McIntosh. She died April 23, 1882, and was only one month shy of her 9th Birthday.

Many people have visited her grave over the years, not only out of curiosity, but because it is believed to be haunted. There are also many myths surrounding this location, including how to get a response from Catherine.

- Growling

- Touching

- Pushing

- An apparition of a child

- Leave a toy or she will get mad.
- Remove a toy from her grave something bad will happen to you.

- Small hand prints on your car

During our visit in the summer of 2015, we recorded many different EVPs, including the residual sound of a Blacksmith hammering away on iron! This is another EVP that we recorded as well.

Since visiting her grave we were contacted by Michelle MacDonald, a descendant of Catherine McIntosh, who had the following information to share with us.

“Not much is known about this but I thought I would share what I do know. She died from an illness and was originally buried in MacLennans Cemetery. However there was a dispute with a neighbor and she was dug up and moved to the side of Greenvale Rd. in front of the family farm.

Apparently the farm is not far behind the headstone. One family member used to speak of attending her funeral and they only lived a couple miles away. Catherine's father, Robert, worked at MacPherson's Mills.”

“Myself and a friend went there to see the grave. We did experience a growl, although you can't hear it on our recording you can see our reaction to the sound. When we returned home there were to small hand prints in the dust on my Jeep. We didn't have any small children around us at any time.” ~ Michelle

Thank you Michelle for sharing this with us!

If you have any information on Catherine McIntosh, we would love to hear from you!

We are located in Truro NS and offer our services Free of charge, throughout Colchester and surrounding areas. Have a location, or story that you know we would be interested in? Feel free to contact us anytime!

#Thorburn #Pictoucounty #Haunted #Paranormal